Being tweeted now by Ruth Field - did you have your run yet Tom? There I was making pasta (really making it, home made no less, flour and a pasta machine) and then the next minute there's a tweet saying if you don't do it before tea you won't do it.
So ten minutes later a very undressed tom is freezing to death on a run. Actually had to run to stay warm which was good. Did about 35 minutes walking / running about 50 / 50
And what fuelled this heroic act?
Worst night sleep in a very long time (not sure what was going on but two little ones were up in arms for some reason )
Breakfast at 10. 2 fried eggs on I slice of rye toast and tea
Lunch. Bean salad and an orange
Snack. A pear
Dinner. Thai beef salad and whole grain rice
I may be forgetting several bits of fruit and about 2 random coffees and some rooibos
Weigh in tomorrow at 11
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