Monday, 2 January 2012

New Me 2012

Expect searing honesty, expect soul searching, but be ready for anything, such as lies and no soul searching.
An inauspicious start to the new me, clouded by the fact that both the remote control for the TV and baby Jesus (from the crib) are missing. Hate to say it but I can probably live without baby Jesus, despite the fact that his arrival on Christmas eve was spectacular, Jedward in a kindergerden couldn't have gone down better.

Anyway, this is still the old me. Wine last night, after Pizza, and also cheese and grapes and A Single Man with Colin Firth on DVD. The Tom Ford who directed, is that THE Tom Ford, of fashion fame? Very Good

So far today copious tea and toast. Diet only really starts tomorrow. Do they still have Ryvita or has self flagellation moved on since then?

Time will tell.


  1. Nice one Tom....good to have your words back! It was a shame when they killed off the HQ magazine! We were the only ones worth reading!

  2. After absent minded consideration, I've decided to follow in your footsteps and make a 'new me' in 2012. For some reason, perhaps the fact I'm now 30, the turkey and ham, several tins of roses, and countless more bottles of beer than I've ever consumed over a holiday period have decided to hang around m midriff this year. The oul metabolism isn't what it used to be I suppose!
    So here we go, two soldiers of misfortune on a path to who knows where.. Maybe we can stop into a drive thru McDonalds somewhere along the way!
    Happy New Year :))

  3. I have your baby Jesus. I want 1,000,000 blue smarties by noon tomorrow or the kid gets it...............
