Monday, 9 January 2012

results week 1

Think I got a 5 out of 10 there this morning with Elsa. Too much bread (I love it) and two many treats. You think I used the wrong form of to/too/two there but i didn't . I had TWO treats, a TINY blueberry Muffin and five licks of my child's ice cream. Elsa, she is a hard taskmaster, wasa going to call her a cruel mistress but its not that type of blog!

ok. Starting weight :      a moot point, definitely 12 stone 2, maybe 12 4, it was the tuesday after 10 days of cake, crisps, guinness, cooked breakfasts, dinners, wine etc. I thought if I'd jumped up there and it was 12 stone 6 I'd have given up on the spot and signed up for a 'fat guy hat' like Homer while I waited for SARI on my iPhone to say 'your fingers are too fat'.

so lets say    starting 12 2 

Monday jan 9th      11 stone 12.

Not bad. Ididn't really expect more as I have never lonce been hungry, but I had hoped for a little more. Goal is to get to 11 6 by january 31st.

How does this tie in with your experences? In the meantime here are Elsa's shopping tips

Health Food Store Shopping list
If you wish to follow my nutritional advice you may need to take a trip to your local health food store as well as your usual supermarket.
Below are some healthy options you may wish to try (it's by no means essential for you to purchase all of these foods). FYI some can be obtained in supermarkets as well)
  • Nairn's Oat Cakes (plain crackers, very filling, good alternative to bread, go well with hummus, cheese, nut butter etc.)
  • Nairn's Oat Biscuits (fruit flavoured low sugar biscuits)
  • Rooibos tea (very similar to regular tea but naturally decaffeinated and high in antioxidants)
  • Clipper Organic Decaf coffee (decent tasting decaf with no chemical solvents, good option if you want to cut down on caffeine but love the taste of coffee!)
  • Plain Nuts i.e. any unsalted nuts e.g. cashew, almonds, brazil, walnuts.
  • Almond Butter/Cashew Nut Butter (similar to peanut butter but even healthier! Great for a filling and sweet snack spread on oat cakes or sliced apple)
  • Quinoa (super healthy alternative to rice or cous cous)
  • Sugar Free Muesli
  • Seeds e.g. ground flaxseed, chia seeds, pumpkin, sunflower etc. (great for sprinkling over muesli, porridge or salads)
  • Dark Chocolate (minimum 70% cocoa content) contains less sugar than milk chocolate so can be enjoyed in MODERATION for a sweet treat.
  • Lentils/Beans e.g. chick peas, butter beans, kidney beans. Dried or tinned is fine, they go great in soups, stews and curries
  • Hummus (available in most supermarkets anyway) great in a wrap, on an oat cake or with strips of raw red pepper!
  • Marigold Reduced Salt Vegetable Bouillon - many of my recipes call for this healthy stock.

1 comment:

  1. Tom, if you don't mind me asking; where the hell is all the meat, fish, eggs, poultry, and veg that should be making up the bulk of the diet of a man looking to loose body fat?
    Meat and veg are what we were designed to eat after all.
