Sunday 22 January 2012

disaster, well, ...ish

A sore throat, ah damn, with attendant aches and pains, and of course gentle moaning, not sure starving is a great option at the moment

but that said
Breakfast 7 30 porridge again, seeds, berries, tea
10.00 tea
Lunch 12 30 chicken salad with a little bacon, coffee
4.00 I would have had a blueberry muffin but we caught in traffic, so fruit again
6.00 picked at the kids chicken strips and potatoes, not much though
8 30 roast pheasant, potato, purple cabbage, bread sauce wine
9.30 cheese and wine
11.00 tiny cerael

I know


  1. If its any consultation I went for a 45 minute run yesterday which sanctioned, at least in my mind anyway, a snack box and spice burger last night, now contemplating guilt run.

  2. Dinner in a friends house last night. Fantastic meal but the deserts meant I had to get my arsenal out of bed this morning and hit the gym. I ache all over, but it was worth it.
